Random Me

Random bits about me. I try for daily, but random is random.

Day 13

Day 13: Write a letter to someone. It can be a coming out letter or a letter regarding how you hate their homophobia or whatnot. You don’t have to send it.

I don’t really know who I would address it to.  Maybe to the people who try to understand, but really in the end fail miserably.  Or to my mother who won’t accept my bisexuality, but is totally alright with me going out with different guys.  To the people who slut shame, because they think they are funny (psst – you’re not).  To the friends who tell me monogamy is the right choice.  To the friends who ask me what is wrong when I only want to be with one person.

I am not hurting anyone by being poly.  It is my choice. I can fuck who I want.  I can love who I want.  If I want to love one person, but fuck four – my choice.  I know the difference between love and lust and sex and friendship.  I can make those decisions.  No one except the people I am with need to understand my situation.  If my partner(s) don’t want to be poly they don’t have to be.  If I want to just be with one person then I can do that too.  I’m not going to say people with seven kids are bad people, so why do people call me awful things when I have two lovers?  Do you love each child less as they come along? Or only give your love to one child at a time? No, you find a way to spend time with each of them.

My life, my choices.  Good or bad.  In the end I am really only hurting myself.



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